Your Gateway to the Brilliant ISO 45001 Game Platform

About Us
Engaging Your Workforce in ISO 45001
As leading health and safety consultants we fully understand the challenge of gaining management and worker ownership of a health and safety management system. That's why we developed this brilliant platform that through engagement of management and workers, enables coaching, mentoring and monitoring of the implementation and maintenance of your health and safety management system, with active participation, and oh, some fun along the way.

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Drop down menu for language options
Gameboard shown in video is in English language. Language specific games are supplied in the language stated.
Just £249 + VAT
Lifetime single user download license
This great platform is now available as a standalone download zip file, for a single upload to your PC or company network. There is no limit to how many people can consecutively access the platform, but each user will share the same game. Buying this license allows a single upload.
Great value £879 + VAT
Lifetime unlimited download license
This fabulous platform is now available as a download for unlimited use. This license permits uploading the platform onto multiple PCs or multiple locations on your company network within a single registered business entity. Buying this license will allow multiple games to run concurrently within the same business entity.
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